The Impact of Silent Treatment on Narcissists: Feeding or Enraging?

The silent treatment, a form of emotional abuse, is often used as a control mechanism in relationships. It involves ignoring or refusing to communicate with a person to express displeasure, disapproval, or to punish. But how does this affect narcissists? Do they feed off the silent treatment, or does it enrage them? This article will delve into the impact of the silent treatment on narcissists, providing insights into their reactions and the psychological implications.

The Narcissist’s Reaction to Silent Treatment

Narcissists thrive on attention, whether positive or negative. They have a deep-seated need for admiration and validation, which is why they often engage in manipulative behaviors to maintain control and superiority. When subjected to the silent treatment, their reaction can vary depending on their level of narcissism and their perception of the situation.

Feeding off the Silent Treatment

Some narcissists may feed off the silent treatment. They may perceive it as a form of attention, validating their importance and reinforcing their self-perceived superiority. The silent treatment can be seen as a challenge, prompting them to engage in further manipulative behaviors to regain control and attention.

  • They may feel a sense of satisfaction, believing that they have such a significant impact on the other person that they are resorting to silence.

  • They may use the silent treatment as an opportunity to play the victim, garnering sympathy and attention from others.

Enraging the Narcissist

On the other hand, the silent treatment can also enrage narcissists. They may feel threatened by the lack of attention and control, leading to feelings of insecurity and anger.

  • They may react aggressively, resorting to insults, threats, or other forms of emotional abuse to regain control.

  • They may engage in gaslighting, a form of manipulation where they make the other person question their reality and sanity.

Psychological Implications

The silent treatment can have significant psychological implications for both the narcissist and the person implementing it. It can perpetuate a toxic cycle of emotional abuse, manipulation, and control. It’s essential to understand that while the silent treatment may seem like an effective way to deal with a narcissist, it can often exacerbate the situation and lead to further harm.


While some narcissists may feed off the silent treatment, others may react with anger and aggression. It’s crucial to approach situations involving narcissists with caution and seek professional help if necessary. Remember, everyone deserves to be in a healthy and respectful relationship.